
The next Bloodsands Tournament, Mythril Cup, is in:

    [Omega], The Goblet, Ward 20, Plot 43

    Bloodsands Inscriptions

    Bloodsands Rules

    what are the bloodsands?

    Champions gallery

    Bloodsands Rules

    1. Survive

    Basic rules
    At the start of each battle, players will be invited in a party chat with a moderator. The moderator is here to inform the players, keep track of the points and avoid conflicts.Every OOC details are discussed in /party.IC emotes will be described in /say. Organizers will have the use of /shout.Commentators and promoters will be able to use /yell.Bloodsands battles use the rand system (type /random to roll a dice).Every character has 3 HP, which means they lose once they take 3 hits or decide to yield. Players will thus emote their defeat however they see fit (incapacitated, KO, wounded, giving up, death, etc).On some cases, monsters might join the fray and will be played by moderators. There will mainly be used in case a contestant does not show up, or on special request.

    How a solo duel works
    Players roll initiative (/random) to determine who will start first. Players can also choose between themselves who shall start.The player who has initiative will attack first. They will emote their attack and roll.The other contestant will then roll to defend and emote. It’s now their turn to attack.
    How a battle royale works
    The player who has initiative will attack first. The attack can be directed against one or multiple characters. If 2 players attack the same character, they will combine their rolls for maximum damage potency. The same can be done to defend. We strongly encourage teamplay and emotes combos. Use this advantage wisely!

    2. Build your gladiator persona

    How promoting works
    We strongly encourage players to be promoted by other players IC and contact each others through RPC. A promoter is a coach who will help you build your gladiator persona. They will work on your glamour, your style, your punchlines and strenghten your popularity. Promoters will be able to make a special introduction of their favourites gladiators during the tournaments.

    How commentators work
    Bloodsands would not be the same without commentators to entertain the audience. Commentators are regularly invited to describe the fights and make announcements during the tournament. You can sign up to be a commentator during any of the tournament by filling up the excel inscription sheet.

    3. Become a Coliseum Champion

    About victory and champions
    Winning a tournament means that your character shall be considered a Champion of the Coliseum. Whenever possible, we shall advertise your victory on Chaos RPC. Feel free to send us your best profile pic!
    If they wish to, champions may put their title in the line again. They will then have two options:
    They can join the next tournament like any other contestant, or…They can show up at the end of a tournament to challenge the new champion.
    The more your character wins, the more they will be famous in Ul’dah and earn gils!

    Bloodsands Inscriptions

    Deadline for the inscriptions is: the xx/xx/2019 at xx GMT

    To enlist in the next tournament, please use the excel sheet above and fill in a few information.
    The link to the inscription sheet will be updated for each tournament.
    If any error occurs, please contact an admin by PM.

    For those who need more details on the excel sheet
    Category levels: This is the IC level of your character. Ideally, we would like beginners to fight against beginners, mid-level against mid-level and veterans against veterans, as a beginner wouldn’t be able to keep up with a highly trained gladiator veteran (and no one likes to pay for a show that only lasts 2 minutes). However, due to organisation purposes, beginners may sometimes fight against mid-levels, or mid-levels against veterans.Status: Gladiators can be there by choice or by condemnation. Criminals are forced to fight, and if they win the rewards will be used to buy their freedom over-time.Combat preferences: By default, the Bloodsands are 1v1. However, if there are a lot of players joining a tournament, we may run battle royales (up to 4 players at the same time). RP style: We will try our best to match players with the same style to avoid OOC conflicts, but please understand that due to the way tournaments work, you may end up fighting people with different playstyles. We strongly encourage players to communicate OOC to agree on styles before a battle. Realistic style would be low-fantasy, where combat skills/magic cost both time and efforts, and where wounds can be deadly. Hollywood style would be high-fantasy, where combat and magic is closed to what is used in PvE/MSQ cutscenes, where wounds can be healed with magic.Death: If you write “yes” in this column, you agree to character death.

    What are bloodsands?

    Lulutsu says:

    “Coliseum is called the Bloodsands.”

    Momodi says:

    “Then there's the gladiators over at the Coliseum. Lots of gil to be had there, no mistakin' - so long as you've got the skills to win on the bloodsands.”

    Galeren says:

    "Aye, they let criminals take to the bloodsands now an’ again - them what’s caught murderin’, thievin’. piratin’, an’ whatnot. Ain’t winnin’ what gets 'em turned loose, though. Fight’s got to turn enough profit for them to buy their freedom. And that ain’t no modest sum.”

    X’dhilogo says:

    “Gambling over the gladiator fights is a norm. And some have gambling problems...”

    Fineco says:

    “Ishgard used to ship beasts to fight Gladiators in the Coliseum but that trade has diminished.”

    Abylgo says:

    “There used to be no rails by the Coliseum and spectators would occasionally fall to their death.”

    Halstein says:

    “The reestablishment of Ul'dah’s own Grand Company is well under way. Soon the Immortal Flames will lead our nation to peace once more. And how could they not? The former champion of the Coliseum, Raubahn Aldynn himself, has been appointed Flame General. Raubahn was always held in the highest regard, and not just by those in this own Gladiators’ Guild. Hells, even the pugilists couldn’t’ help but respect the man for his prowess on the bloodsands. I tell you this - those bloody Garleans are in for the fight of their lives.”

    Bloodsands Champions

    [Name of the Character] Ultimate Champion

    Promoted by:
    Number of victories:

    Previous champions:
    Placeholder, # victories
    Placeholder, # victories
    Placeholder, # victories
    Placeholder, # victories